Title |
Into the Night
Release date |
1985 |
Media |
Film |
Genre/Keywords |
Action, Comedy |
Production |
Universal Pictures |
Release rating |
R (USA) |
Format (Home) |
Distributor |
Summary |
Insomniac Ed Okin goes for a late drive to the airport and helps out a woman who is being chased by Arabs. It seems that she has been smuggling valuable things in an interesting place. |
Director |
John Landis |
Dedee |
Hooker |
Cast includes |
Jeff Goldblum, Michelle Pfeiffer |
Comments |
A little long drawn out but full of cameos of directors / rock stars etc. A good part for Michelle - but where is Dedee? She's not there for long but catch what she says - it is important for us. |
Video clips |
Pictures |
External links |
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This page created 19961119 last revised 19980315